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high school speech class? Close your eyes and imagine one of the most deadly viruses that could kill hundreds of people, birds, and other animals in the world this virus is called the bird flu virus. The bird flu virus is one of the most worst flu viruses that is infecting the whole world as of now and is killing many people, birds, and other animals daily due to so many birds are carrying this virus and are infecting humans as well as other birds and other animals with this virus. The main areas that I will be discussing in this speech are what the bird flu virus is, what the signs and symptoms of bird flu are, and how to prevent yourself from not getting bird flu.

To begin with, Bird flu can also be known as avian influenza or H5N1. Bird flu is one of the most leading causes of death of many humans, birds, and other animals in the world today. Bird flu is considered to be a respiratory disease. There are four different types of the bird flu virus H5N2, H5N3, H9N2, and H5N1. Bird flu can infect the lungs and other parts of the human body such as the muscles and the throat. The bird flu virus is caused by birds receiving this virus in there nose and then once the virus that is in the birds nose hardens up and breaks into pieces, the bird can then infect other birds and people and also other animals such as pigs and tigers with this virus. The bird can infect a person, another bird, or another animal with this virus by their saliva. Normally right after the bird receives this virus it automatically dies. Some birds that carry this virus are ducks, sea birds, crows, and shore birds, these birds can infect other birds such as chickens and turkeys. In 2000 there were 200 chickens that died on a poultry farm from the bird flu virus. According to the July 20, 2007 edition of Farmers Weekly in the article called “migrated birds bring risk of avian influenza”, farmers weekly stated that birds that have passed through Germany, France, and Czech Republic may be at risk for having bird flu. About 45 countries in the world have been infected with bird flu such as Nigeria, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Poland, and Vietnam. Bird flu has also infected countries in Asia, Europe, Russia, Africa, and Canada. In 1997 bird flu had its first out break in Hong Kong killing six people and millions of birds. According to the student edition of the world almanac titled “Avian flu” the world almanac stated that between 2003 to 2005 there have been 115 people who have been infected with bird flu and 50% of those people died. There has been only one known vaccine for bird flu so far. According to the April 26, 2006 edition of The Journal of American medical association in an article titled “mixed success found for avian flu” Tracy Hampton stated that an experimental vaccine from an inactivated avian influenza virus can induce immune responses in about more than half of healthy adults this vaccine requires two doses of it to be taken in order for the vaccine to work.

Next off, Bird flu symptoms can range from being mild to sever. Some of the symptoms of bird flu are diarrhea, fever, sore throats, muscle aches, coughs, swelling of the head, lack of appetite, and respiratory distress. Birds may experience a drop in egg production if they have caught this virus. Some people who have a regular flu virus on top of the bird flu virus, the two viruses will combine in the body and form a new type of virus which can be even more deadly. Symptoms of bird flu virus usually occur within two to four days after being infected with the virus. Some people can develop a pink eye or an eye infection. Sometimes bird flu can lead to phenomena. Some people can be hospitalized if bird flu virus gets sever enough. Sometimes people can go into a coma for weeks. Some birds and people may die without showing any signs or symptoms of having bird flu. The drug Relenza may help to relieve the symptoms of bird flu. According to the January 7, 2007 edition of New Scientist in an article titled “the bird flu threat” Debora Mackenzie stated that a drug called tamiflu saved a few Asian victims who had the bird flu virus but in order for tamiflu to work you have to take it within 48 hours within the start of the bird flu symptoms in order for it to make a difference.

Lastly, one way to prevent yourself from not getting bird flu would be to avoid open air markets. Be very cautious when at a poultry farm some of the birds or other animals there may be infected with bird flu. Try to avoid rural areas sometimes infected birds with the bird flu virus like to hang out there. Always be sure to wash your hands a lot during the day germs tend to always be on your hands. Also be sure to always cover your mouth when you cough this is a very easy way to spread bird flu to other people. Never eat anything with undercooked eggs in it. Never eat raw or not well cooked meat this can be very dangerous and can be a good way to catch bird flu. According to the science and development homepage titled “bird flu update” the science and development homepage had stated that a 23 year old teacher from northern Phu Tho province in northern Vietnam had became ill with the bird flu virus after eating contaminated poultry. Consider getting a flu shot at your local clinic this flu shot will protect you from hopefully not getting bird flu but the shot wont guarantee you that you wont get bird flu. Bird flu has caused many people in Asia to have to wear surgical mask .in public so that people that aren’t infected won’t catch the bird flu virus from them and some people must avoid all social contact with other people so that they don’t infect the people who don’t have bird flu. Some restaurants and theaters and schools are going to close in Asia in order to prevent the spread of bird flu.

In conclusion, the bird flu virus is one of the most dangerous viruses in the world today that could kill hundreds of people, birds, and other animals. So now you know what bird flu is, what the symptoms of bird flu are, and ways that you can prevent yourself from not getting bird flu. So the next time that you go to a poultry farm or come in contact with a bird or a person that is infected with the bird flu virus you will know how to take proper precautions so that you don’t catch the bird flu virus.