What would be a good book titled based off this passage?


Jun 4, 2008
I am writing this book and I need a google titled. I wrote a summery of my book. It is a gay/bi book.

Coming from a school that was completely homophobic, a young boy of 14 who's name is Charly Gessner stood at the gate of his first day on the 8th grade career path. The school was Viktar Kesmair jr. Middle School. It was a old faded down middle style school, but the school was full of technology as in tower computers in the library and many posters to cover the old faded cottage-cheese-looking-like walls. Charly, along with his best friend Blaine, have an epic adventure not only of brotherhood, but some things life change for the better or worse. The school in all peace with minor drama is about to really change! Not even the power of friendship can stop the hatred, deception, and violence this school has. Love, on the other hand, can be a resolve to all. Charly and Blaine play life and see what they can make of it.

Thanks in advance