What to do with an unstable future mother-in-law who is about to make me have a


New member
Oct 3, 2008
mental breakdown? My boyfriend's mother is the sweetest person in the world but unfortunately so unstable I'm having a hard time having her in my life. I love my boyfriend very much and plan to stay with him for the rest of my life but I really don't know what to do about his mother.
She's on all kinds of medicine for depression and anxiety and pain (she has knee problems) but if anything it seems to be making her worse. She is going through a divorce (of her 3rd marriage) and is alone for the first time in many years. She attempted to commit suicide about a year ago and again a week ago. Then last night at midnight called again saying she might do something to herself and told us to call 911. We called, the police came and took her to the hospital. As they were putting her in the cop car she started yelling at my boyfriend, telling him that she never wants to speak to him again that he's no longer her son for calling the cops on her even though she told him to. She must have talked her way out of everything though because she was released at 5am this morning.
We can't keep doing this, especially my boyfriend. We have our own personal problems to deal with (not between us, just money) and she's bringing us down so badly. We have done nothing but be there for her but she is taking advantage of us. Even when she's not threathening sucide, she's still very needy. Calls about 15 times a day, always needs us to go over there for something. When my boyfriend and I moved in together, she moved a mile away from us. We were about to go out of town for my bday last weekend when she overdosed and had to cancel and now we were going to resume our plans this weekend so she pulled this last night. I'm so frustrated and so is my boyfriend. We don't know what to do. We want her in a mental hospital for a little bit because she wont go see a therapist and we cant watch her every second of the day so she wont kill herself. We try to talk to her and set boundaries but she just makes up excuses for her behavior and is in complete denial that shes messing up everyone's life around her.
Please any suggestions....we are so desperate at this point.