What style and color uggs should I get if I have short and large thighs?


New member
Dec 5, 2011
I want to get uggs for this winter and I was wondering what color and style would be the best if i had a long torso but short legs and larger thighs.

I'm 5'6-7ish but my torso is like the same length as my legs, lol. (torso is upper part of body)
I know that I won't get the tan or sand colored ones bc they're way too light, but I was undecided on black or chestnut.. and whether it should be short or tall?

Please give me your opinions on the color and style!! and I'd rather not have comments like "omg uggs are so ugly" or personal opinions on how they should never be worn, etc.

Thank you so much<33

ps. im currently 150lbs, but im on a diet, so hopefully my thighs will get slimmer! lol
omg i lurvee uggs! hmm for you i think you should go for a grey-ish color or black-ish but i still suggest grey because its more sheek and u can pair grey with almost anything , even black jeans! if u get black then maybe you have less of options what to where it with

hope i helped :)
I personally think that the short ones make your legs look kind of stubby so I would go with long ones. On the other hand, if you get the short ones you can wear them under jeans as well as having your jeans tucked into them. Honestly, I think either one is fine and will look good so it's really up to you!
I would get the black ones because so much stuff matches with black so they would be easy to wear.
Good luck with your diet!
get the short ones. I am 5'3 so you are a few inches taller than me but I wear the short ones because I think the long ones make my legs look even stubbier. You will probably think the same thing. I think the tall ones look good on people who have long, thin legs. I would get black so they are easier to keep clean and will look good with anything.