What skateboard should I buy for street/cruising?


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Well, I am just recently becoming interested in skateboarding so I'm sorry for my being a newbie!
Anyway. I am thinking about purchasing my first board soon but, I really don't know what kind skateboard I should get for what I plan to be doing on it.

I don't really plan on going to the skate park or anything. I mainly will just be riding on the sidewalks and on the street in my neighborhood.
Once I'm used to skateboarding I also plan on teaching my dog to pull me along while I just cruise behind him. So, I really need a skateboard that will be able to withstand cruising for that long. So, knowing that. I am thinking a cruise board but, I also want to be able to do some tricks like some ollies and things like that.

It is really confusing trying to learn all this new information but, I'm trying! For me, choosing the perfect skateboard is really important. Since it will be an investment. Any information will be super helpful! Thanks a lot!!