What reasons are there to believe in a religion and its contents?


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Before anyone starts feeling insulted or angry, just to let you know, I am only asking this question in order to get a grasp on the "WHY" people believe in the things that religions speak of. In no way am I being ignorant of peoples beliefs, all I am doing is expressing my curiosity towards a subject that some people take too seriously sometimes.

So... What reason is there to believe in what religion preaches about?

As far as I am aware of, people only believe in what is said due to secondary influence. This means that instead of having divine experiences like famous religious figures such as Moses, people believe in what is said through books, family members who are religious (possibly through secondary influence), and through intimidation.

Religion originally taught fear and guilt in the ancient times, and used it like a whip to control the masses who did not know any better due to lack of education. Today it is a good code of ethics, teaching love and respect (yet the message is never fully practiced.) In this day and age we are well educated and have a means to differentiate between true and false.

However, there are those who believe what said in a book still.

The usual argument is because you cannot disprove it, and if something is a certain way then God(s) made it that way.

This is a bit allegory for my tastes since religious experts can pretty much disprove that Christianity is a true and original religion due to most of its teachings, symbols and other aspects coming from other religions. More older and ancient religions are harder to disprove because their origins are veiled in mystery so we cannot say it is not real.

However, the same thing applies as to what reason today's people have to believe in religion. If it is because my father, friends and ancestors where part of the religions, or that my teacher or priest said I should then it proves that you were influenced into it and did not make a choice that had something to back up why you started believing in a religion.

So... Again... What reason is there to believe in what religion preaches about?

And Again... Before anyone starts feeling insulted or angry, just to let you know, I am only asking this question in order to get a grasp on the "WHY" people believe in the things that religions speak of. In no way am I being ignorant of peoples beliefs, all I am doing is expressing my curiosity towards a subject that some people take too seriously sometimes.

Please answer with relevant answers that actually answer this question. I have read a few questions like this in the past and people always quote a passage from their religion which reinforces the point I am trying to make, which is that people of today are sheep and easily influenced. So answer with your own thoughts and not the thoughts of someone else, express WHY you believe in something without quoting what someone else said please.
The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).