what is your ancestry?


May 14, 2008
Ex. 50% North African, 50% British & French

I'm still anxiously waiting on my 23andme results, to see if I'm anything beyond Central African. I think it's likely I'll also be part West African, North African, and East African, but only time will tell. I mean even in the description of people of my known ethnic group, they traveled from Sudan some hundreds of years ago.

As far as I know now, I'm part of one culture, but I think it would be awesome to find out I'm like a little bit Jewish or if my bloodline is as pure as my parents and one grandmother have implied. I've already sworn to myself to make a traditional jewish meal next Christmas/Hanukkah if I am indeed found to be part Jewish. I just feel the more you are, the more fun you can have with such things. It's one thing to be interested in say, Japanese culture, and another to be learning about it with the perspective of knowing ancestors who once lived that life.

My family is Christian, but african "traditional religions" have an influence on people like my parents, older generations, and the youth still living in that region of Africa. There are also many Muslims in the area, too. I assume the Jewish could only come from a Eurasian ancestor. A variant of my surname (it's pretty uncommon, but not distinctively African, which led me to many google searches out of curiosity) is found in countries like Slovenia, Germany, Croatia, Yugoslavia, and Austria. Germany once ruled the country for around 40 years, so if anything, any European ancestry would be from there, unless a central european surname was just assigned to one of my ancestors for the heck of it. the name has something to do with farming and my ancestors beyond my grandparents were farmers, for as far as I know, so either scenario is likely.

Sorry this is so long, my mom thinks it's weird I'm so into this but I think it's cool to definitively know where your ancestors have lived, especially when you find some surprising results. I'm also glad I got the 23andme thing before the whole FDA shutdown, so I'll get health info, too. I'm particularly interested in the genes of other people with recent African ancestry, but everyone is free to respond, regardless of whether their ancestry is boring or fascinating.