what is the speed in feet per second, of an object traveling at 32 miles per hour?


New member
Oct 17, 2008
what is the speed in feet per second, of an object traveling at 32 miles per hour.

Secondly, how long,in seconds, will it take the object to go 3035 feet?

here is an example of what the question is asking,

Example: Length = 4000 feet, Speed = 65 mph use t = d/r. find rate in feet/second
rate = ( 65 miles/1hour)(5280 feet/1 mile)(1 hour/3600 seconds)
rate = 95.33 feet/second and distance = 4000 feet so using t = d/r, time = 4000feet /(95.33 ft./sec) and time = 41.96 seconds

First one to get it correct gets 10 points!
ADD ON: Frank you mis-calculated the last part..

At the last part of the equation, instead of 46.9 you put 49.33 so thats why your answer was wrong..