What is the name of this obscure sci-fi movie featuring a time machine?


May 19, 2008
For some reason I have this obscure 1980s (I think) sci-fi direct to video (I think) movie stuck in my head. The scientist makes a time machine and somehow travels to an alternate or future time line. In that time line some sort of catastrophic event has taken place and some people are infected with a plague called "the sickness". This includes his girlfriend/wife from the original time line who now doesn't recognize him (I think she might have died in the original time-line). Various action sequences take place in the post apocalyptic environment. Eventually something happens towards the end of the movie (can't remember exactly what), but the memories of the scientist in the alternate time line merge with those of the scientist in the original time line before he starts his experiment. When asked whether to proceed with the experiment, the scientist now knows to abort his experiment thereby averting the catastrophe. Perhaps the plague was an indirect result of his experiment (but I could be wrong on this point).

I had a strange feeling the movie starred Robert Hays, but when I look through his filmography the only movie that looks similar is "Running against Time". However after reading through the plot summary (that movie has him trying to prevent the Kennedy assasination) I don't think that is the right movie.

I really want to know the name of this movie so if any sci-fi experts can help me I will be really grateful. Thanks.