What is the Legend of Zelda game for Nintendo GameCube where you can...


May 22, 2008
...choose an island, or fortress thing? I need to know what Legend of Zelda game for GameCube has a thing where you can choose if you want to go do missions on an island, or a fortress thing, or another place. I remember that you had to help this one guy catch his pigs on the island. On the island, there was a red boat that had the head of a dragon. You could go to different places if you went on the boat. Can someone help me? I need to know soon. I was hoping to get this game for Christmas.
Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker


I remember playing this game wen i was like 10. One f my favorite Zelda games, mainly because it's the first one i ever completed on my own(without help/hints from friends, etc). =]