What is bet best singles vacation options for a professional male in his mid 30s?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I have a LOT of vacation from work I need to burn up between now and November. The thing is I am single, and really don't have any friends I can go traveling with. So I am looking for some travel ideas for a male in his mid 30s. I would like to go someplace a bit more upscale. I did Jamaica a few years back, and didn't enjoy it. I have also been to Vegas, and really didn't like it, being I live near Atlantic City, and am not into drinking and dancing. I like the beach, but don't want to get burned to a crisp. I am not sure I want to do a tour, hopping from city to city, unless there are a lot of cute girls involved. As far as general locations, I was thinking of Europe (on the Mediterranean), the Caribbean, Hawaii, Thailand, maybe even China. I have also looked a cruises, but with hurricane season, I am not sure if that is a good idea. So if there are any locations I missed, or if there are specific recommendations on the places I listed, or vacation companies I should consider, let me know (and don't say Kontiki, my cousin went on a tour of Alaska and it was a sausage party).
7 to 1 for the Ukraine? I heard the same thing about Atlanta actually. Honestly, I don't really think of the Ukraine when someone mentions exotic beaches, but I will check into it.
Go to Kiev, Ukraine if you have the balls. The ratio of females is 7 t o1. No sh*t. And they are 75% smokin. You will be treated well.

Then go south to Odessa, on the Baltic sea very nice beaches. Upscale hang out like Miami.