What if Obama was with the other ticket?


New member
Oct 13, 2008
You know if whites bring up race we are racist If Blacks or other minoritys bring up race they are representing and bringing awareness to "There People"
If Obama was with the Republican Party all of his Democrat followers would vote for him still just because of his color just like they are going to vote now.
Its not that he is worth fighting for because of what he claims he will do for America its because he is not old and white.
Obama attends a church who hates whites and gays and preaches only taking care of his own kind. And what exactly is his kind?, Well he embraces his blackness but he is also muslim who won't even salute the American Flag.
He will bring change all right but not what all his supporters are thinking.
I am 100% sure McCain will win because just like there are so many Obama supporters out there just because they are going to back there race THANK GOD there are still proud white americans who aren't rolling over so easy and pulling for McCain. Now there are some smart minorities who see past color and THANK GOD for them as well and lets face it White America still has way more pull. THANKFULLY !
Gore was ahead to but Bush was president