What Does This Dream Mean (About a Fat Man With a Bionic Eye)?


New member
Dec 26, 2013
I was in this room and there was this guy who was absolutely massive in size there (basically very fat) and he was connected to several tubes as well as metal components sticking out of him that were put into him for support. His lower half was completely covered by a hemispheric metal casing. He turned around and his right eye was massive and bionic, it looked like a large round orange light on a car. He told me when he was born with certain genetic mutations and that when he was young his family allowed medical testing to be performed on him for money. The chemicals reacted harshly to his biology and he nearly died several times, however he already was and become even more vastly intelligent and was practically capable of being immortal with what he knew, which he would never tell. He then said when he was a child he got an infection in his eye which spread and was never treated till much later, however he made the eye which he currently had much later on. He asked in a taunting fashion if he wanted to see what it was like beyond it, and without answer he took the eye out. For some reason the inside was filled with intestine-like organs which pulsated and writhed and I could not look away. He then took off a hollow cylinder which surrounded the eye and I saw the stringy muscley flesh which surrounded it; it was all incredibly gruesome. To make it worse he turned a bit and I saw the tunnel which followed to where his brain was, and I could see all the inner blood vessels, muscle, flesh, and tubes both mechanical and biological that were within. After that he casually put the eye back in and asked if I wanted to see how it was before. Of course I reacted terrified, but he said 'okay then' sinisterly and the image of his eye popped into my head. It was black, crusty, and flat, and for some reason what should have been his eyelids where actually teeth which surrounded in a completely circular pattern and came in slightly at the top corner. Also when he talked to me it wasn't like he was speaking with his voice, it was more like he was speaking through to my mind telepathically.

I know it seems like it could come from some sort of sci-fi related thing, and I am interested in sci-fi, however I don't ever remember there being a character like this in anything I have read or watched. I was deeply disturbed by the scene where he takes out his eye, and though I have shrugged off the dream now this one was intensely more vivid than any other dream I have had in a long while and the image of the infected, mutated eye will stay in my head for a while.