What does it mean to have a dream about arguing with the one you love? (sorry its


May 14, 2008
long)? ok well i've had a number of dreams like this maybe about 8 times so far but the one i last recall was last night because i still remember it but this is how it goes its starts of im with a few of my friends we were at a store at a grocery store and we were acting like dumb asses to say the least and out of no where i see my ex and we start talking and everything was going good until i forgot what was said and we got into an argument so we all got in our cars and i guess it was a road trip because i had no idea where we were and there was about 3 other cars with us and we all had our stuff in the back but anyway we ride in the same car with two of my friends and we start talking again then we argue and so on and so on and later on the ride she said damn i need a valentine and my friend who was driving at the time leaned back and gave her his hand and said ill be your valentine but she didn't take it so i leaned over and punched him as hard as i can in the jaw because he knows how much i love her so after that she gets in another car with another one of my friends and i was driving another car and i dont know how to explain this but like i was out side of the car floating looking down on their car i guess you can say i was looking at their car in third person and i remember saying to my self "F--- it ill let them be" so i went ahead in front then i slowed down because it hurt she wasn't with me and after that i was still i guess you can say floating over the car so i speed up real fast i don't know how fast but fast and once i took off i looked down below me and i was above a windy(as in so many turns not windy as a lot of wind blowing) high way it had so many turns on it and had a bunch of ice on it too and there were giant red wood trees all along the high way too so i slowed down because it was getting to dangerous and after that i woke up but can any one tell me what it means to be arguing with my ex that i love unconditionally because this is not my first time dreaming that i'm arguing with her and also if you can may you please tell me what this dream means thanks and this is also how i know i was on a road trip on the high way that was windy i said there were a lot of those giant red wood trees sorry if i have the name of them wrong but you know what i mean but anyway yeah im in Texas and we have none of them over here ive been to California and they have them there but this place wasn't California it was raining a lot and was cold a lot of the time just thought i added that so it might help a little