what do you think of my story?


New member
Oct 13, 2010
please read chapter one as well~ its posted as another question on my profile :)

Chapter two:(Chapter one is another question~ please check it out~ i would really appreciate it :)

"I think we should break up..." kip trailed off in the same monotone voice he had used before. I sat there speechless, motionless. I didn't know what to say. Or do. I was caught totally off guard.

"Wha-at..." I murmured. I wasn't even sure he could hear me.

"I just don't think our relationship is going anywhere. I mean, your great, but...when i was in Ohio i met this girl. And she was amazing. I had only known her for 4 days and i already feel like im in love with her. Im..sorry Chancey. I hope we can be friends."

I sat there, still motionless. But I knew i had to say something.

"I can't believe what your saying! i mean, you don't even live in the same state as this girl!"

"I know, but i don't live too far away. I figure i can take the bus and visit her every weekend until I save up enough to buy an apartment."

"So that it? we're just over? Just like that?"

"I can't tell you how sorry I am. I just can't deny my feelings. I care about you a lot Chancey, i can't lie to you. I..can't lie to myself."

I was still in shock, and before i knew it i felt tears rushing down my face. I couldn't control them, they were just pouring out. I couldn't look at him.

"Chancey! are you okay? please don't cry."

"Goodbye Kip." I exclaimed, tears still running down my face. And then i just ran. I ran right out of the coffee shop.

"Chancey!" Kip yelled " Please don't run away from me! Can't we at least talk?"

I ignored him as i rushed out the door. Snow was falling hard outside, but i didn't care. I wasn't even thinking. I looked ahead but everything was foggy. My eyes were foggy with tears. I was still running, and my sight was still blurry, but i couldn't help but notice something lying on the sidewalk. I wiped the tears from my eyes, and i noticed that it wasn't a something...it was a someone. A clothe less, motionless male figure.

"Excuse me..sir, are you okay?"

The figure sat there, still motionless. No answer. I started to panic. "SOMEONE HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.