What do you think of my story?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Ok, I'm not trying to copy Twilight or anything. I am just writing this for fun and I want to know what you guys think of it. So thank you guys! :)

Chapter One

All I can remember is her cherry red hair and the smell of her
perfume. Everything else I remember is full of holes, just little ones
covering up the details. Every once in a while I have an image in my
head that I can’t recognize. Soon, I completely forget that image and
remember more than the same thing happens again.

The woman that I remember is hard to describe. She had curly red
hair that was long and flowed down to her shoulders. Oh her eyes, they
were a foggy blue that cleared up in the moon light.

I have so many question that I cannot yet answer, for example, why
am I in the middle of nowhere, next to a riverbed? I have decided to
stay here because I should have had a reason to come here and I have
this feeling that I am waiting for something. I don’t know how long I
will be here or if this is a dream, but I feel connected to this place.

So, I waited and waited until I finally fell asleep on the damp floor of the forest.

I was in a maze. Everything was on fire; shadows of smoke were
filling the air. Disembodied screams were piercing the air like gun
shots through gelatin. I, dazed, turned to the left to find a mother
and her child, huddled up in the corner, rocking. I hesitantly walked
up to her to ask what had happened.

“Death,” She said, dazing at nothing, “and blood was brought to
everyone at their doorstep.”

Suddenly a shadowed figure starting walking up to us.

She pointed at the shadowy figure and said, “By them.” She
finished her sentence.

I woke up, drenched with sweat and came to find out it was a
dream. There was no maze, or shadows, or fires. But, one thing is
still real: I am next to a riverbed and can’t remember anything.

“Shhh…” A woman said.

I turned my head to find the woman I had remembered. I looked at
her curly red hair, her blue eyes, her smile, all so unique in their
own way.

“It’s okay,” She said, “It was all a dream. It’s over with.
Calm down.”

I realized I was shaking and stopped.

“Who am I? Who are you? Where-”

She put her finger to my lips and said, “Shhh…Lets go to the top
of the hill and get some real fresh air. All the air down here isn’t
what I would call fresh.”

We got to the top of the hill and sat down next to an oak tree.

“Please tell me who I am at least!” I said.

“Alexander. You’re name is Alexander. That’s all you need to know.”

“What about you?”

“My name is Shira.”

“Will you tell me anything else?”

She looked at me and said, “Be patient.”

Soon, a week had past and all I knew was that my name was Alexander and her
name was Shira. I wasn’t going to be patient much longer.


I am very confused, something doesn't seem right. I have been
thinking and it's on the tip of my tongue but, I can't quite reach it.
"Hey, Alex." Shira said casually as she walked by me to the
riverbed, my so called 'home'.
"Hey." I said, lost in deep thought.
She walked away to the fresh part of the river to bathe herself.
I looked over to town which was over the hill that 'Shira' and I were
on. I noticed a flat land full of flowers and started to think, and
realized there is a word for that. Oh yeah, I thought, it's a meadow!
I saw little dots moving around on the meadow and realized that
they were people. The mom had a blanket and spreader it across the
ground. Then, the dad had a basket and set it down. Their two kids ran
up and quickly grabbed two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
A picnic, I thought. I smiled. Soon I thought deeper, I wonder
who my parents are. And my past. Like where was I born? How old am I?
Did I have any brothers or sisters?
I couldn't stand it anymore.
I ran up frantically to Shira who was sun-drying after her bath
in the riverbed and I said with my eyebrows high up to the sky, "What
are you hiding from me?"
Her head went down like a beaten dog.
"I should have told you this long ago. How would I have thought I
would be able to keep this from you! I'm such an idiot!" Shira said.
"Stay here." She said softly with sadness.
She ran away and came back. Something was in her hand. A cup was
in her hand. She held it to my face, "Drink it." She said, avoiding my
I took it. A red liquid was inside. I slowly put it to my mouth and drank. I noticed that the burning sensation in my throat was gone. I gave the cup back to her.
"Did you like it