What do you think of my story so far?


New member
Jun 6, 2010
“Phoebe, can I see you for a second?” asks Doctor Merson. I nod and followed him into the waiting room. The brown walls of the waiting room make me sadder then I already am. Doctor Merson looks at me with sad eyes, and I somehow know what he’s going to say.

“The chemotherapy we did on your brother hasn’t worked. The only way for him to survive is a bone marrow transplant” says the doctor. My heart sinks, and I burst into tears. Why hadn’t the chemotherapy worked? Why my brother?

“W-w-what is a bone marrow transplant?” I stuttered, trying to hold back my tears.

“A donor lets the doctors take some of the stem cells from the bone marrow and transfers them to the patient. There’s a slight chance it might not work, and every procedure has its problems, but I highly suggest it. The only problem is, none of your family members have the same bone marrow, and you must have the same bone marrow to do the transplant.” He says. I start crying again.

“Don’t worry! Many people sign up to willingly donate bone marrow. We’ll just wait for someone to sign up with the same bone marrow as Owen’s” Says the doctor.

“O-ok” I say, then go back into the hospital room my brother’s in. He smiles at me when I come in. His face is pale and he had lost weight in the past few months. I try to smile back, but its hard to when your little brother looks like he could die soon.. Owen is my 10 year old little brother, my best friend, and I would die if he died.

“Hey buddy. How are you?” I ask him.

“I’m ok.” He says, even though I know he’s in pain. I walk over to the bed he’s laying in and ruffle his caramel colored hair.

“That’s my boy. Your going to stay here for a few more days, ok?” I tell him.

“Ok” he says.

“I have to go, but mom will be here soon. I love you”

“Love you too” he says. I almost start to cry again, but I hold it in. I kiss him on the forehead and walk out of the room.
When I get back out to the dreary waiting room, I accidentally run into someone, making me fall to the ground. With all the stress over Owen and my parents just getting a divorce, I brake down crying. The person I ran into helps me up.

“Are you ok?” asks a familiar voice. I look over and see my worst enemy, Cody Tiller, looking at me oddly. I shake my head.

“No. I’m not” I mumble, still crying. I try to step around him but he blocks my way.

“What’s wrong?” Cody asks.

“Why would you care?” I ask. Cody always made fun of me at school, calling me a poor girl (which I am). Cody is the popular type with the brownish-blonde hair and blue eyes who plays football, while I am the un-popular type who only has two friends and sits by the trashcans at lunch. I'm really a plain Jane with brown hair and eyes, not the kind of girl that gets noticed, and the only sport I play is soccer.
“Just tell me, alright?” He says.

“Fine! My brother has cancer and no one I know has the same bone marrow, plus, my parents just got divorced and we have no money to pay for the hospital bill! My life sucks. And, yeah, I am a poor girl, so now you know” I say, then push my way past him, and out the door.