What do you think about the situation in Gaza?


New member
Jan 8, 2009
1. Israel has shown restraint. Over 6,300 rockets and mortars have
> been fired from Gaza towards Israel since the latter's withdrawal in
> 2005 that's about 1 every three hours; more than 3000 were fired in 2008
> alone.
> 2. Israel has a right to protect its citizens. Israel is not
> fighting the Palestinian people, it is fighting the terrorist
> organization, Hamas which has vowed the destruction of Israel. Operation
> "Cast Lead" is a defensive operation designed to stop Hamas from
> launching rockets and mortars against Israel; it is a counterattack in
> every sense of the word. Every government has the duty and right to
> protect its citizens.
> 3. Israel is making every effort to avoid civilian casualties.
> Israel is targeting Hamas installations only. Every effort has been
> taken to minimize civilian casualties. We are saddened by the deaths of
> any innocent civilians. At the same time, Hamas bears the
> responsibility as Hamas terrorists hide among the civilian population
> using them as human shields. The contrast is striking. Hamas
> intentionally targets civilians; Israel makes every effort to minimize
> civilian casualties.
> 4. Israel desires a secure peace with its neighbors. Israel is
> engaged in the peace process with the Palestinian Authority and supports
> a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In the past
> Israel has made sacrifices for the sake of peace and is quite willing to
> do so again for a better future for all sides. Israel gave up the entire
> Sinai Peninsula for peace with Egypt, which has resulted in a quiet
> border for the last 30 years.
Quantify the impact on Israelis:
> * Over 50 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip today (December
> 29, 2008) alone.
> * Rocket attacks increased by 500 percent after Israel withdrew
> completely from the Gaza Strip in August 2005.
> * The rockets have increased not only in number but also in range;
> they are now able to reach Yavneh, some 60 km (37 miles) away from Gaza;
> more than 700,000 Israelis are now in range of the rockets.
> * The rocket barrage has resulted in at least thirteen deaths,
> more than 780 wounded and tens of thousands traumatized, including
> thousands of children.
> * Over 90 percent of Sderot residents have experienced a rocket
> exploding on their own street or an adjacent one.
> * For more than three years families in southern Israel have spent
> nights in bomb shelters rather than bedrooms; during the day school
> children, adults and the elderly are forced to run for bomb shelters on
> a regular basis.
So what do you think?