What Do You Think About Michael Jackson's New Video 'Hollywood Tonight'?


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I personally LOVE it. The way they put it together adding little pieces of MJ here and there was creative. & The girl dancer is amazing.. What do you guys think? The only thing I didn't like was it was a different version from the album version. They sorta remixed it :\

Hate it!

Thank you, Jack! You prove my point as to how uneducated and mentally unbalanced a lot of MJ fans are. It's pretty pathetic when the only defense you have is to attack someone on their physical appearance. It's easy to find flaws in anyone and that's what the uneducated people always do. So good job! You showed your intelligence!
If everyone loved the video there is no need to ask a question like this since everyone already knows the answer. I did not insult anyone. I was simply answering the question without prejudice.
Anyways I love the video. The song itself is one of the few highlights from the Michael album. Which is pretty bad, at least in my opinion. But this song is great and the music video is beautiful. I love the choreography in the video.

You know what, I retract my statement. I don't apologize, but I retract it. I shouldn't insult let alone try and argue with someone like you.
I love MJ, but there is something off in this song. It doesn't sound like MJ at all. The voice is really different and I don't think it is just because it is his raw undigitalized voice. Honestly, I like Hold My Hand better from his after death songs and I think its clip is better reflection on MJ than Hollywood Tonight clip.