What could be wrong with my dog?


New member
Mar 3, 2012
He is a German Sheppard/Pit Bull mix, decent sized dog. He's an indoor dog, only goes outside to potty and play when it's nice out. He eats science diet dog food, and always has plenty of water. I give him a lot of attention.

Usually he will want to lay by my feet when I'm working on the computer, but when he gets spooked by something he will try climbing all over me (and him being so big, and me being a very petite girl, this is not a good thing.)

For the past three days, he has been ALL OVER ME. If I'm at the computer, he is trying to climb in my lap, or he'll be on the bed behind my computer literally putting his paws on my shoulder and trying to make sure he's touching me as much as possible. I feel bad, but it's obnoxious. We've gone outside several times (per hour) and he pees each time, quite a lot. I let him out and started doing some work, and not even an hour later he had an "accident" on the floor (he's 7, and has been house trained since he was a couple of months old, this is very unusual) -- I'm actually kind of glad that he did though,because I heard him before I saw him, and he was urinating in "spurts" which leads me to believe that he's not feeling well.

Could it be a kidney infection? UTI? Bladder infection? Or perhaps even prostate issues? He is neutered, and when I got him neutered they said it would "help prevent" issues with the prostate later on in life, but all signs I've seen online are pointing towards prostate issues. Can someone please help? Any advice is welcomed.