What colour should I paint my nails - includes little Tuesday quiz/poll for you?


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Right so I have-
Light blue
Dark Blue
Dark purple / black
Clear with shiny bits

What colour should I paint them and any easy little decors I could do on them?

Heres the quiz for you :)

1. Shoe size?
2. Favorite girl name? Zsa zsa , Ariana , Jade or Victoria (Toria for short)
3. Favorite boy name? Leon
4. Worst gift you've ever received? Pants
5. Best childhood memory? Too many to pick from
6. Favorite quote? I love this crazy tragic SOMETIMES almost magic awful beautiful life.
7. Sandals (flip flops) or shoes? Converse trainers
8. Walmart or Target (Tesco or Asda for Uk) - Tesco
9. Latest song you're addicted to? Ke$ha - We R Who We R
10. Cell phone provider (if you have one)? I dont have a mobile
11. Best book(s) you've read? Twilight sagas and The Wizard of Oz
12. Saddest movie you've ever watched? Not any - I only watch horror - LOL
13. Number of siblings (if any)? 1
14. Happiest day (that you can remember)? When I got to pick my little cat and her 'sister'
15. Favorite snack? Malteasers