What are your predictions of 2011?


New member
Dec 26, 2010
My predictions;
FOUR major news events. One of which will be talked about for generations. It will get into the History books.
Celebrities DEATH; most will expected, one or two will be completely unexpected and leave the tabloids in shock.
A male MMA fighter will come out of the closet, which won't surprise anyone.
By the end of 2011, in December 2011, Unemployment will be at 15.5% Nationally. (Some *states* in the US will have as much as 30% unemployment).
In order to compete with the Chinese, the US will debase the US Dollar.
Hyperinflation in 2012 is well on it's way.

Bu 2012, The US will be like "The Road" or the video game "Fallout Three"