What are your early predictions for the 2009 season of "24"?


New member
Jan 12, 2009
I think this could be a great season of "24." Here are my early guesses as to what may transpire.

Tony Almeida: I think he will ultimately be a good guy in the end. I think he has a very serious motivation for what he is doing. If you noticed, he has not killed any good guys or innocent folks yet. Yes, he was in cohots with the sniper but I think Almeida sacrificed those deaths for the greater good.

Chloe: I think she knows why Almeida is doing what he is doing and will enlighten Jack. I can't wait for her to come back.

Janis Gold (Garofalo): Bad guy. Just a hunch. She seemed to be just a little too scared when she found out that they took over traffic control.

Larry Moss (FBI Assistant Director): The mole in the FBI.

Finally, I predict the President will reinstate the CTU at the end. I know I could be way off but I like to make a few predictions early on. Let me hear your predictions.