What are the best books/dvd's to educate myself on riding a green horse?


May 13, 2008
What are the best books/ dvd's to learn how to train and ride a horse that is green under saddle. As far as training yeilds, transitions, and collection? Western riding.
If this makes any sense ...I have tons of experience around and with horses. I drive and ride- but have never had to work with finishing a horse under saddle.
So I am looking for great video sources you can recommend that will give good riding and training tips for riding the green horse to show them how to be soft, balanced, and controlled. I do have a trainer that helps me now and then, but I want to do all I can to have better knowledge of how to finish a horse.
I am not much of a western rider, but YouTube has a lot of great videos and how to's. Try a lunge line to trot and canter in a circle. Use a long whip to tap the butt.when the horse gets it right reward him. Ride him as much as possible, and do the movements and rewards.
You should get Clinton Anderson's Colt Starting video. It won't make you a colt starter but it has a lot of very good information on handling young and green horses. If it is possible, you should try to go to a clinic so that you can learn how to do some basic things in person while working with a horse. That would teach you a lot of valuable information. YOu are never going to learn what you need to know from books and videos. Nothing is as valuable as working with a horse BUT you need to have someone there who can help you learn the language, how to respond to your horse in any given situation. All horses are different and you need to know how to react to your horse properly and correctly and within a given amount of time, usually you have about 2 seconds or the learning curve is lost for the horse. So if you have not mastered the language of the horse, you will be lost much of the time and it just confuses your horse. You can do more harm than good. Make sense? Good luck to you and please be safe.