What are some good community service project ideas for a freshman in highschool?



I am a freshman in high school and i have very good grades. I can do this in a group of up to 3 people and I have one other person who is interested in doing this with me. We are both kind of agreeing on doing a project that has do do with kids and we do want to make a difference but we don't have a ton of time to put into this because of sports almost all year round (volleyball, marching drill, basketball, cross country, track, and she used to do softball during the summer but i don't think she does that anymore.)
A good thing to do would be volunteer with the salvation army (some schools sponsor these activities) or Volunteer at a local volunteer organization (like ambulance or fire dept.). Those are just two ideas, your school should also have activities listed somewhere that are in the local area.
Ok i would go to 1 community park every weekend and pick up trash.(get more people though) mow old peoples lawns for free. help the elderly