Were you bothered by Time Share Guys in Punta Cana?(Lifestyle Holidays Vacation...


May 13, 2008
...Club)? We absolutely loved our stay in Punta Cana. The beach, sea, everything was total HEAVEN!

I just wish someone had warned me about the deceptive Timeshare people! They wear white polo shirts and act like they work for the resort(I heard from other tourists, that they're at MANY resorts in the DR) My husband and I were polite at first, because we thought Lubens worked for the resort. He told us he was there to HELP us, and show us around. We got into a golf cart. I thought he was taking us on a tour, but next thing I know, we're at the Grand Oasis Resort meeting with a salesman named Reggie. I said," We don't want a Timeshare", but he denied it was a timeshare! LOL! I suggested he give us the sales literature for us to read later, but he said they didn't have any. My husband asked about a website, but he claimed they didn't have that either. I said,"We're not putting a "vacation club" on our credit card, while on vacation.We'd have to thoroughly research it." Of course, Reggie chased us, and told us this great deal wouldn't be available soon. We walked out and demanded a golf cart ride back to our resort. It was a gorgeous day, and we wanted to enjoy THE SEA! Reggie was very aggressive and annoying, and this whole experience wasted 45 minutes of our precious vacation time!

I want to warn other travelers, if these guys offer to help you say ,"No gracious." first, and then just ignore them. Don't let them waste a minute of your precious vacation time!

Also if you check out "Rip Off Reports" online, as I did. They have loads of people trying to get their money back and sue them. BEWARE! I'd love to hear about others experiences with this obnoxious group. I also don't understand why other resorts allow them on their property to harass their guests.