washington dc and its prominent places.



Here I am going to share some incredible places of DC. I have visited all these destinations during by tour from new york to washington dc.
National Air and Space Museum,
US Capitol
Independence Hall.
White House.
Korean War Memorial
Guys do you visit these destinations?
Unregistered...!! Your shared list would be really worthwhile among tourists. I had explored all these listed destinations and had great time there. DC is most ideal one destination for all history lovers. I visited there more than twice time and now thinking to make another exploring tour during my business trip there. I had great interest of exploring historical spots, DC is best example for relieving the history for once again.
Kylrey...!! I agreed with you DC is a place where a history lover could have a great journey just according to his interest. That offers plenty of historical museums with unique one collections, memorial and monuments. The best part is a tourists who having low budget could also have a great time there, because most of attractive spots are free of cost. During my montreal washington bus I had a remarkable journey of DC with my college friends. I had great time there and would love to go for this tour again.