Victoria secret model workout/eating plan?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
I know this question is extremely cliche and I might get some mean comments, but does anybody know the daily workout/diet plan someone would use to get a body like a Victoria secret model? I don't REALLY want to be super thin, like most vs models are, I just want to be really toned and firm, I'm 14, and I'm naturally kinda thin, I'm 5'9 and I weigh 124, I'm quite thin but I have a kind of big... How do I say this... Butt? Lol right now I don't exactly eat healthy, mostly because I don't know what to make myself to eat, that's healthy lol, I've been working out every day, and it's been going good, I just do 50 regular squats, 50 plié squats, 50 leg lifts(each leg) and 100 crunches, idk what would my meal plan and workout routine be for a really nice figure, similar to the Victoria's Secret models?