Verizon FIOS and their 'Defferred" charge from a year ago!?


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I cancelled my Verizon FIOS Triple Pack (Cable, Internet, Phone) in August (couldn't stand their customer service & general crappiness), I was supposed to get my "final bill" this month, but lo & behold I get TWO with an upcoming $3 CREDIT (final bill), the other saying I owe $6.00 for a "deffered internet charge" from 12/25//2009-12/31/2009?!?!? I paid my bill on time each & every MONTH!...I call them & they tell me SINCE i cancelled, this old charge surfaced & to pay it immediately otherwise it'll go to collections since its almost a year old...I am can Verizon pull this out of their a$$?? this even LEGAL?!?!? its not even about the amount, its the principle of the situation, I am unsure how to even DEFEND myself over this charge (its nearly a year ago). The account number isn't even the same as the Final Bill account!!! I feel like I'm being had! Seriously!

Just another reason I'll never ever switch back to Verizon even if Jesus himself tried to convince me!