(UK) Who else thinks Gail Porter (who's on Gadget Show on C5 at the mo)


May 13, 2008
should wear a wig? Everyone knows she had alopecia, and that's why she is bald, but why on earth wouldn't she want to wear a wig? A lot of celebs wear full wigs or hair extensions to make themselves look better and presentable, so why doesn't she want to (esp when she's on TV?) She's only in her 30's. I can't understand her mentality. Its as if she wants a sympathy vote, and she does it for attention seeking.
I doesnt look like she wants attention, she is just creating awareness for the illness. And why should she cover it up, there is nothing to be ashamed about. People should feel ashamed themselves if they offended by it.
Gail Porter

I agree with the reply. It's her own business what she wears. It's clearly not her fault that she has suffered hair loss.

I think it's brilliant that she's back on TV, and billiant that she's got the confidence to come back after what she has been through. It must have been so difficult for her.

She's done so well on the Gadget Show. I really hope that they change their minds and keep her on in some way even though Suzy Perry is back now.

- Al