tri bike geometry vs road bike geometry?


New member
Dec 28, 2008
why is the saddle of a tri bike more forward than that of a road bike? is it just to accommodate being in aero bars when riding tri bikes? or does the forward-leaning saddle have some effect on the power of the rider's pedal stroke?

i'm asking because i'm doing a triathlon on a road bike with clip-on aero bars (no budget yet for a tri bike). i tried moving the seat forward to replicate the angle on tri bikes, but somehow this seems to shift my weight forward a lot, causing so much more pressure on my hands and triceps when i'm on the drops and hoods. the more forward saddle position did make it more comfortable being in the aero bars though.

i think i'd like to keep my bike seat pushed back like in most road bikes, but i'm wondering what the pros and cons of this will be considering i'll be using the bike for a triathlon.

thanks in advance!