Tip of the day: Toy-shopping safety for the holidays


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Jun 18, 2007
Tip of the day: Toy-shopping safety for the holidays
[SIZE=-1]Store shelves are somewhat safer than they were a year ago, when lead in toys and other products cast a pall over holiday shopping and prompted recalls of almost 14 million items as varied as toys and slipcovers. But while shopping for toys this holiday season, don't let down your guard yet.
To lower your risk of lead exposure:
  • Avoid no-name products and be careful when you buy items at dollar stores, street fairs, vending machines, thrift stores or yard sales.
  • Buy age-appropriate toys. For example, children age 2 are most at risk for putting things in their mouths. The American Academy of Pediatrics has a list of age-appropriate toys on its web site.
  • Do not buy jewelry?especially cheap jewelry?for young children. Even if the item does not contain lead?and many pieces of metal jewelry have been recalled for that reason?it can still be a choking hazard.
  • Make sure arts and crafts items you buy for your children are non-toxic. Lead has been banned from children's paints but adult artist's paints and ceramic glazes can contain lead and other toxic heavy metals. Look for water-based paints and glues.*
Read about our investigation into products with lead, and reactions from retailers. And for more information, read our Safety bloggers' tips on avoiding lead poisoning and recent coverage of the Mattel settlement.
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