Thursday Night Live Blog: A bell tolls in Beantown


Jun 17, 2007

That's Boston College coach Frank Spaziani, right, with his boss, athletic director Gene DeFilipo, and things are not going well. That picture was taken before a game. Which, predictably, the Eagles lost.

B.C. fans seem like a basically patient, reasonable lot, especially when it comes to a guy who helped bring the program back from the brink in the wake of an epic gambling scandal in the mid-nineties. But the two most high-profile Boston College blogs began calling for Spaziani's head weeks ago, after a home loss to Wake Forest dropped the Eagles to 1-4. It's been mostly downhill from there.

On the bright side, B.C. is coming off the rare win, over even more despondent Maryland to close a three-game road trip. Maybe that will inject some life tonight into a Boston crowd … in November … against a relatively nondescript opponent from 1,300 miles away ... with nothing in particular at stake except avoiding the embarrassment of thousands of empty seats on national television. OK, let's try that again: On the bright side, there's only one more home game left after this one.

What: Thursday night live blog, Florida State at Boston College. All colors and comments welcome, though preference is always given to snark.
When: Game kicks at 8 p.m. ET on ESPN. Blog kicks roughly simultaneously, give or take a little pregame chatter.
Who: You and all your rowdy friends, and their best rally 'staches. Do it for Spaz.
How: Hit "Watch Now," enter comments into the available box and do your part to accelerate the slow, agonizing death of conventional journalism.
Why: Because what else could you possibly have to do tonight?

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Matt Hinton is on Facebook and Twitter: Follow him @DrSaturday.