Throat is sore, but abnormally and neck....?


May 23, 2008

What is wrong with me?

my throat is not the usual "sore" it feels like their is actually something stuck in their, and it is not sore at all, when I do swallow it feels like my spit gets stuck, but I do not know if this is the case, but my throat has a tingling feeling.

IF I BREATH IN AND OUT, MY THROAT OR THIS THING INSIDE MY THROAT GETS SORE, WHEN I SAY "THING" I MEANT PART OF MY BODY, it like pulls, if I breath in really deep, and take big breaths, if I breath normal it is okay, but deep breaths, no it gets really sore, like I reached a bump or lump in my throat, I am not sure how to describe this.

I also had a headache, about 3 to 4 hours ago, but I took 2 tablets, so my headache went away.

It is not just my throat that is "sore" but my whole neck feels "strangled", what I mean by this, my neck feels tight, like their is a band or wire around it, but lightly, I can breathe fine.

Once in a while, I also have a proper neck pain, but this pain only lasts not even a minute, but it is not like my whole entire neck will be sore in general, it will feel like their is something pulling on the inside of my neck in a certain spot, and it will go away.

I am really freaking out, have you heard of this before, any idea what it could be?

I almost had a anxiety attack now because of this, and it is 2:48 AM, but I can not sleep to stressed out about my "neck" I am only 17 years old, and I do smoke.