Thoughts on creation


Apr 1, 2008
Now here’s a long bit about life and creation, from the perspective of my mind.

To discuss life, we must first realise the importance of thought. Despite common belief that light is the fastest thing, it is not. Although you don’t technically break any rules, because thought doesn’t actually have a speed, it travels from place to place instantaneously.

All physical matter is produced from thought that is slowed in its vibration. If you read a complex physics book you will learn that if you speed up the vibration of the atoms within a table, the table will eventually (to use science’s word) cease to exist. Much like the way (but to a lesser degree) ice can be changed into a less and less solid form by making the molecules vibrate a little bit quicker, solid into liquid, liquid into gas.

Everything in existence vibrates. Everything. Thoughts such as sadness, death, jealousy, hatred, these vibrate at a fairly slow speed, whereas happiness, joy, unlimitedness, these vibrate much faster. Pure highest vibration thought is known as love. Much like light (as love has often been equated) if you slow its speed down, white light separates into all the colours we know in this place, as love separates out into its constituent emotions.

We ourselves act as sort of electro-magnets for thought. With this in mind, here is an improvable version of how our moments are created.

Let’s say that we currently feel happy.
Since you are vibrating at the speed of your happy thoughts, this is the vibration you will draw towards you. The thought comes in and hits your Aura or bio-electromagnetic field (discovered by Dr Kirliean – excuse spelling – in the 1980s I believe) which slows the vibration of thought down into the next level, which is light, and the thought is displayed as a burst of colour, which creates the colours of the aura. Again, the colour relates to the vibration. From there the thought continues into the brain, which slows the thought (now light) even further, into electricity.
Now science can’t figure the brain out, it’s coagulated cells mixed with what is essentially water of different densities. Now what is water an excellent conductor of? Electricity! And as you would imagine, if you have very thick, dense water, you require a higher electrical charge to be able to pass through. Likewise the water that is very thin needs only a low slow vibration to pass through.
If you look at the human brain and which bits we use, you’ll see that the areas that we do use are the areas of extremely thin water, that allow very limiting and predominately slow vibration thoughts to enter.
Once in the brain you can do one of three things.

1.    You check it against what you already know and it doesn’t fit at all, so you don’t believe it, the thought is not felt and essentially bounces back out, having made no change.
2.    It doesn’t quite fit with what you know already, so you shave a few corners off until it fits with what you already believe. In which case there is still no change because you’ve altered the thought into something you already think.
3.    You allow the thought to be a potential reality and you go “Ooooh, I see” and you can’t explain that feeling because it’s the first time you’ve felt it, it is a new feeling created by opening and allowing another portion of your brain to receive.
Following this what happens is that the pituitary gland opens a bit more and send a chemical to that particular portion of the brain and activates it! This message is sent to the pineal gland, which acts as a speaker and boosts that same vibration to your whole body so all your cells vibrate at the same speed. The new, contemplated thought is then evolved and sent back out the body in a reverse pattern, to be picked up by someone else, contemplated and evolved, and continued. And depending upon how you altered the thought when you take it in and send it back out will determine what kinds of thought you draw towards yourself later.

Incidentally, this is why manic-depressives find it hard to get out of their rut, it’s like a cycle, the more they think about it, the more situations are drawn to them that will create a similar feeling. It is like attracts like, although I will not go so far as to call that a law.

There is a portion of your brain that is capable of receiving every thought possible, that is it’s function, to allow us to exist here whilst still being able to receive the full flow of thoughts, that is ultimately us. If you want to believe that mankind is a retched beast, then that will be taken into your brain and if you accept that as a thought, then it will true, and you will see the proof everywhere you go. If you want to believe that mankind is divine in his essence, then that too will be made a reality through your thoughts.

There are some 6.6 billion people on this planet, and every single one sees the world differently, yet lots search for the elusive ‘Absolute Truth’. The problem with there being an absolute truth is that it would disprove everything else, and how can you disprove what someone is the living breathing proof of?

If everything was only one specific way, it wouldn’t be possible for anyone to believe anything other than that. No one would be capable of defying the absolute truth. The fact that we can choose to believe anything we want, and so long as we believe and accept it as truth within our brain, it will be true, until such a time as you change your mind, or don’t, then changes the all important question. The question used to be ‘What is true?’ but really, the answer to that is simple, it is whatever you choose. The much more interesting question then becomes: ‘Why, or how, is it possible for me to pick and choose my truths and know that reality will show me them as such’

If you look back into most religions and spiritual beliefs, you’ll find that one thing they all agree on is that in the beginning there was only ‘god’ (source or whatever you choose as a word) and it was this that created everything else. Now, it wasn’t ‘god’ and his DIY universe kit, all matter and creation would have been created from itself. And with the understanding that ‘god’ is in essence just the totality of thought (not forgetting that all physical matter is merely thought slowed in it’s vibration.) you can come to see that we, ourselves, are in fact 100% pure ‘god’. What else is there for us to be? There’s never been anything other than pure thought, which we are made of.

The reason we came here as humans was to experience the wonders that we had created from the realm of thought, as thought sentient beings. You see, from there, it wasn’t possible to actually smell a rose, or stamp your foot on the ground, or anything we’re so used to now. So the human body and brain was created (through trial and error as can be seen with evolution of all things) so that we could live here in this place that we created, and still create as the ‘god’ that we are.
Unfortunately we began to enjoy this place far too much, and didn’t want to leave. This created the feeling of fear for the first time. Also we became quite competitive (I create a sparrow, you create a sparrow hawk and eat mine) and jealous. Fear and jealously are both very slow vibration thoughts, and up until that time, our vibrations had been like white light, no separation, but now, our vibration was slower, we weren’t vibrating at the same speed as white light (or love, the essence of pure thought) and when we left this body, we didn’t return to the light, we sort of got left in the middle. We then decided to come back, and unlearn all the silliness we’d picked up, all the fear and anger, hatred and jealousy. But unfortunately we were re-taught all the lessons we wanted to unlearn by our then parents.

Many people will tell you it’s scientifically impossible to raise or lower your vibration, for the simple fact that all matter vibrates at 8.2Hz, and any alteration either way and you (science’s words again) cease to exist. But whilst matter is at 8.2Hz it creates the basic tone of E flat. It is this that can be raised and lowered. Make it louder, raise a few octaves, it’s still E flat, and it’s still 8.2Hz, but it’s actually occupying more space and time within the same space time.

The unlimited brain is capable of achieving anything it decides it can, and by the same rationale, it is also not capable of doing anything it decides it cannot. There are such things as ‘special powers’ you can attain, in fact, they’re all available if you’re willing to believe. The point is that once you realise this, they aren’t special, and it’s not about one or two people being ‘chosen’. None of us have been chosen other than by ourselves. You wish to know where God is? Look in the mirror; you create your whole reality through your thoughts. You are thought. You are God.

Believe something will be difficult to achieve, and it’ll take you a long time, believe it’s impossible, and you won’t even try. You may wonder what would happen, by my rationale, if you put two people on a boat, one who knew the world was flat and one who knew the world was a sphere, what would happen? Surely one would be disproved? But what this scenario forgets, is that if the man believed that world was flat as fully as we believe it’s a sphere (as he did) then he would never get on that boat, for he knows doom leads that way. Or he’d throw himself overboard before he was proved otherwise. And ultimately, if he decided to stay on the boat and find out, then he is no longer certain that the world is flat, and allows himself alternate possibilities.

You create this whole place. It is like a giant being in a daydream, everything is the being that thinks of it and is created from it, allowed by it and accepted due to it. How big is the universe? If you were to imagine a ship flying, oh lets say that way à through space, would it pop out of your head? Is there a certain limit to the distance in that direction that you can imagine it going? No, because so long as you keep projecting it going in that direction, there will always be somewhere for you to project it in to. Two ships flying in opposite directions, there isn’t really any distance between them, it’s just imagined, mere thought. As is all of this.

Okay I’ve just reread this and it’s a bit longer than I thought when I started, and it’s gone off on a couple of tangents, but I’d love to know what you all think?!
Thats really long. While its a good article, try to break it up into different parts.
Just an FYI:

If you raise a tone 'a few octaves' it doubles the frequency with each octave: It's no longer 8.2Hz. Sorry.
oh pure hypothesis, if it was proven I'd be in a science lab earning lots!
I was just intersted to know what ppl think
I see, it's difficult to find out answers to these things by myself, I appreciate your input.
White light doesn't separate into its colours by slowing it down. White light is not a particular frequency 'higher' than all the other colours.

White light is a combination of all the visible frequencies, which may be separated by refraction, for example through a prism. The separation works because different frequencies refract at different angles.

Likewise with 'love' as the highest vibration. If you 'add' all the lower frequencies of a vibration, you don't get a higher frequency as a result. That's not how wave mechanics works, sorry.
In all honesty, I don't mean this as a personal attack, but I don't think there's any point in writing this with reference to any scientific terms when you don't know what they mean.

If you have a spiritual opinion, that's great, but if you try to write about something as if it has a scientific basis (by referring to frequencies of light etc.) you kinda need to do it with some knowledge of science. If you don't have that, you should drop the scientific aspect altogether and just tell us about 'love' as it relates to people, not to physics.
Well... the speed at which action potentials propagate along neurons is between 5 and 120 metres per second (depending on things like whether it's a myelinated ur unmyenlinated neuron). Couldn't tell you off the top of my head how quickly synaptic transmission happens, but it has a finite speed, so, since thoughts are essentially potentials flickering through the big network of neurons which make up our brain, you could argue that thought isn't instantaneous at all: it travels at roughly 120 m/s.
I vaguely recall it's some process which generates two photons (not molecules) going in opposite directions, if one is absorbed the other disappears also, for some reason. It's not a case of one molecule physically influencing another faster than light.
Perhaps I explained it incorrectly, I shall find the article and be more specific, it was in New Scientist and the topic was causing much distress since, according to the scientists, however the atoms are connected/influencing, they should not have been influenced at a speed faster than light. The fact that it did was apparently a big deal.

But I'm not a scientist and I'll have to find the article to be more specific, apologies if my information is half arse!
i believe you are talking about the result that if you take two particles (which are sub-atomic as opposed to molecules which are multi-atomic) which exist in a relationship (i can look up the experiment...i can't quite remember the name but i think it was EPR) where by they are orbiting each other (abstraction of truth to make it easier to understand) with opposite spin (a property of sub-atomic particles).

Now, these two particles MUST always be of opposite spin. If you change the spin of one (which can be done by application of a magnetic field) the other changes instantly. But at this stage, they are very close together, so that is not so surprising.

However, it is possible to seperate them. One goes through a magnetic field which changes the spin (from up to down for example) at the same time as its now distant sybling is having its spin measured. What happens?

Lo and behold, the spin changes from down to up at exactly the same time as the first particle passed through the mag-field.

Now, this led to postulations into the idea that information must be travelling faster than the speed of light (3x10^8meters per second). As an aside, a big fuss is made about the speed of light being the velocity limit for matter, but what this really means is that information, (which is based upon change and suprise) has a fundamental limit in velocity.

Now, before I go on, i'll just correct another little mistake (well, you did ask me to look at the thread and comment )

You said;

see above, the velocity of light is 3*10^8m/s (300000000meters in a second)

but that error does not change the essence of your point. The point is that the result would indicate that some how the first particle is 'telling' the second that it has changed spin in no time at all, and yet we know that information must take SOME time to move.

Just to finish this point for you...

If we could separate them by 10m, we would expect it to take 30nanoseconds for the message "i'm upside down" to cross the gap. Measuring 30ns aint that big deal nowadays, and yet the result holds (as far as i'm aware, i'm sure some of the physics people who post on MAP will correct me if i'm wrong)

what does this mean? well again as far as i'm aware, the juries still out...but i think string theory is the strongest contender...i defer to a physicist at this point.

Hmm, I didn't mean to get that deep into one point.

I assume you wanted me to comment on the thread as opposed to via PM cos with a post as long and involved as the first one on this thread, i'd need to send hundreds of PM's to cover all the things that jumped into my head when I read it, and you didn't send me an email address.

I'll make some general comments on this post and then try to break down your theory in the next post and offer some more specific advice if you want to pursue this investigation futher.

First, can i say well done. You've put together a pretty good essay which looks at both the science and the mystical side of life. You brave soul you

I have come accross most of the mystical ideas you present and my own thoughts of about 7-12 years ago were coming from this place. What you are trying to do is not easy and you will get stick from both scientists and mystics for attempting to mix their domains. Not all, but some will be more opened minded, but alot of us have been trying to get this nailed for most of our adult lives and i can tell you, if you hope to come up with a theory everyone will accept, i'd give up now.

Its the science that is the most difficult. Science does not accept speculation masquerading as fact. It will accept speculation presented as hypothesis, provide the hypothesis can be tested and the result has meaning, but don't say..."because science says x, and i think y, the truth must be z". They'll be at you like a pack of wolves. If you search the forums for "auras" you may find the battles i was having with lilbunnyrabbit earlier this year. I was specualting mystically and throwing all sorts of random scientific facts at the subject. It got his back up and the result was a few intense debates over a couple of months. I think the worst one was about the "existence of chi", a thread in the internal arts forum (i think). You might want to find them and have a look. You'll see the attitude your up against from the scientific community (LBR's posts) and the wrong way to use science (my posts).

Anyway, onto the next post, it's 0008 on my computer clock, and tomorrow i'm leaving for work at 0630, so i'll see how far I get in the next 30mins or so.
You start with a very bold statement, we'll come back to this

     Hmmm, don't take this the wrong way, but i'm going to quote (from memory, so its not word for word) a sketch from the late, great Bill Hicks;

    "We need more news stories like this;

    Today a young man on acid discovered that we are all just energy condensed to its lowest vibration, we are merely the process of the universe experiencing itself subjectively, their is no such thing as god, life is only a dream and we are just the imaginations of ourselves...and here's tom with the weather"

    I've read a few complex physics books and i know what your trying to say, but you need to be more precise. And provide more evidence than 'physics says..." science says alot of things and more of it turns out the be crap than valuable. Experimental methods are found to be flawed, scientist arrange results to fit the paradigm they're working on, new information supercedes old, invalidating things that were touted to the general public as truth by an ignorant media etc etc.

    This is a commonly held belief in the mystic community and has been around for thousands of years.

    I think I know where you are coming from with this line of reasoning

    Kirilian photography is contraversial on both sides of the line. But in 1966 biophysicist Viktor Adamenko et al discovered by experiment that using adaptions of Kirillians techniques that the biofields of humans were brightest at the 700 points on the body which correspond to the chinese acupuncture points. The discovery by Kirillian was in the 1940's. You really need to get sorted on the basic facts if you want to use science to back up the rest of your good ideas. That unfortuantely is the boring bit. You get the great ideas and the flashes of inspiration, but the donkey work required to make a solid case can be very very dull.

    Yes, science can figure the brain out, we just haven't got all the way yet, and there is a hell of a lot more work to do. If I may be so bold, if you're going to ask someone embarking on post-grad reasearch into computational neuroscience to review your theories of the brain, then at least edit out the bits that undermine the validity of the discpline they study. I'm not offended, but you won't make any friends in the scientific community with statements like that. The group i have recently started working with know a hell of a lot about how the brain works. And I can tell you plenty of stuff about neurons, the way they compute information, the way that influences the formation of circuits within the brain that perform different aggregrated tasks, the way the brain interprets the flow of visual information coming into the eyes, just what it is that is the part of you that makes decisions (that bursts alot of bubbles philosophically, trust me, you don't want to know that one.) etc etc and i have almost no experience in the field...the guys at the international workshop i was fortunate enough to be able to meet and listen to at the weekend are world leaders in comp ns and believe me, they are well on the way to knowing how the brain works.

    I'm curious here, you're on dodgy ground and i think my comments throughout this thread will help you see why, but that is an interesting line of thought that i'll play with over the next few days.

    Have you read The Fifth Dimension by Vera Stanley Alder? She would have liked these ideas..this is an old book about mysticism (still on the shelves) and her results come from meditation.

    Is it? I'd submit that result to the British Medical Journal because there are alot of people who could benefit from that insight and it would free alot of researchers to explore other problems. Yes I am being sarcastic, sorry.

    Read Zen Therapy by David Brazier, a western therapist who contrasts western psychotherapy with Zen. And he does it beautifully. Their is a chapter about the mental ruts we create in our mind and how this influences and conditions our behaviour. You will find it very beneficial.

    And into philosphy, i like your thinking and if you got the science nailed you would be able to crystalise this morass of ideas into something very valuable.

Sheyja said:
If everything was only one specific way, it wouldn’t be possible for anyone to believe anything other than that. No one would be capable of defying the absolute truth. The fact that we can choose to believe anything we want, and so long as we believe and accept it as truth within our brain, it will be true, until such a time as you change your mind, or don’t, then changes the all important question. The question used to be ‘What is true?’ but really, the answer to that is simple, it is whatever you choose. The much more interesting question then becomes: ‘Why, or how, is it possible for me to pick and choose my truths and know that reality will show me them as such’

    hehehe, see my last comment.

    and now theology, you are tearing through the disciplines like a tornado ripping through a housing estate...i've got to admire that, i really have


    you've read some of the same books i read when i was your age, of that I have no doubt.

    please post the source where you got that number from...i'll go into this more when you do.

    i don't disagree but don't come accross like a fanatic with a doctrine

    your point here is?

    see the bill hicks quote above.

It's now 0255 so i guess i'm going into the office a bit later now

Don't take my negative comments too personally, but insted let me give you the benfit of my own experience.

If you want to explore these ideas, cool. If you want to really get some validation from science for the mystico-religious aspects of life, then back it up with education and training.

I think I was in a very similar place to you back then, reading lots of different stuff and trying to put it all into some sort of cohesive order. Guess what, that's i'm still doing now .

I went back to college at 23 and trained as an electronics technician, I then went to uni at 25 and got a masters in electronics engineering and i'm now 32 and working for my doctorate in computational neuroscience and biomimetic robotics. It's been hard work, really hard work, i've got a feeling it isn't about to get any easier any time soon. But where's the value in an easy life?

Get a foundation in science/engineering and you will develop the ability to critically analyse the work of others and the phenomena you encounter. From that you will be able to then synthesise new trains of thought and you will have followed a proven methodology which will serve to give your arguments more weight and provide a valid and logical progression of ideas for others to follow.

Two final words of advice. Keep well structured notes and a file containing your sources of information and reference them. That is my biggest regret. I have lost so many of my ideas because my notes were scrappy and i didn't see back then how important it was to reference everthing properly.

Anyway, time to let my own thoughts die down for a bit and get some sleep.

ps...i didn't mention your ideas about thoughts themselves...hehehe enough for today
Thank you xenmaster. I shall reply to any bits I feel need to soon, but I must now too sleep! lol
I appreciate your comments very much, and i enjoy your sense of humour!