This girl is spreading rumors about me and I don't know why..:(?


New member
Mar 23, 2009
This one popular girl was seated next to my best friend, and I was at the bathroom or somewhere, thats not in class. And my best friend told me she said, "Hey you know that girl Lisa?" and my friend says, "yeah, my best friend." and the girl says, "yeah, well she's really weird, and is like obsessed with Jake, you should stop being her friend." and for one, I am not obsessed with Jake. He's a boy that is my friend and I guess one day we were talking and being immature and she was near us and we were, idk.. "annoying her" and she was randomly mad at us.. and then my friend says stands up for me! Which is great! She said, "yeah, well Lisa is my best friend and I don't want to hear you talking trash about her." And the girl looked away without saying anything.

I'm just really confused, I mean I did nothing to her at all. She's extremely popular and I'm just average and kinda shy around the popular kids. Now she's been spreading sh&t about me..and I did nothing at all to her. I don't know why! Please, any advice. And if I were to stand up to her...she could LITERALLY ruin my social life and any chance with the boys I like...
And I'm in 7th grade, if that helps :)

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im also really afraid that these rumors are gonna scare my friends off and they arent gonna want to hang with me anymore :'/
So you did nothing and she hates you for no reason> the only reason which makes sense is that maybe she is the one obsessed with that boy jake and therefore she is jealouse of you, she has nothing better to do so she is spreading rumors about you which applies to her. Just ignore her, she is trying to bother you, dont let her know that she is bothering you cuz thats what she wants, if u pretend like you dont care she will give up. Dont be scared of rumor, if your friends are true friends then. They will not believe the rumors abd if they do believe the rumors then... Well at least you will find out who were the true friends and who were the fake ones.. Its a good chance to see how much your friends trust you, and if they do they will not belive any of the rumors. Ignore this girl, she probably has nothing better to do in her life