The Rockies' viral photo for Pi Day isn't actually as cool as you think


Jun 17, 2007
The Rockies' viral photo for Pi Day isn't actually as cool as you think

Did the Rockies win Pi Day? Not quite. (@Rockies) At first glance, nobody in sports did Pi Day better than the Colorado Rockies. You know Pi Day, right? It’s March 14, aka 3.14, as in 3.14159265359, as in the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. A baseball team owning Pi Day makes perfect sense — you know baseball geeks and their love of numbers.
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The Rockies posted the photo you see above. Pay attention to the jersey numbers, as they do in fact sync up with Pi. The Rockies were even celebrated for winning Pi Day by numerous people around the Internet.
One problem with that, the photo is a fake. Sorry to ruin the illusion, but you can start right at the beginning — nobody wears No. 3 on the current Rockies roster.
Before you think of an excuse to explain how the photo could have pulled this off (was it taken last year? is No. 3 a non-roster invite?), the Rockies posted the *real* photo as their Twitter header on Pi Day. Bummer.
The real photo of the Rockies. (@rockies) To their credit, the Rockies fully admitted it:
@YahooSportsDesk Yes!
(Full Disclosure: It's Photoshopped. ????)
— Colorado Rockies (@Rockies) March 14, 2017
@Rstrobel71 Our clubhouse director, Photo Shop, arranged everything. ????
— Colorado Rockies (@Rockies) March 14, 2017
Maaaaan, you can’t believe anything on the Internet.
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Mike Oz is the editor of Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @MikeOz