the front screen on my LG Env doesn't work, but my phones not insured.?


May 13, 2008
[I have verizon]
A few weeks ago, I dropped my phone from about a foot off the ground, and then just set it on my bed. An hour later half of the front screen didn't work then during the next two days it was working on and off.
Now, it isn't working at all.
Please help.
thank you :]]]]
fyi my phone is less than a year old, but my mom never put insurance on it because she figured i wouldn't need it.
i'll try the going to verizon and saying it just stopped.
[fyi i would have just replied, but i'm kind of new at yahoo answer stuff xD]
I would take your phone to your local Verizon store. Tell them what happened to your phone and why it is not working.

This happened to my sister's phone and when she took it in, a worker there got her a new one and transferred all her information onto it.

I truly hope that this helps.
Try to insure the phone if it ever comes back on. You have no other choice than to buy a new one.