The 10-man rotation, starring what John Wall does or does not need to do to help the


Jun 17, 2007
A look around the league and the Web that covers it. It's also important to note that the rotation order and starting nods aren't always listed in order of importance. That's for you, dear reader, to figure out.
C: Fancy Stats. In which Neil Greenberg says the Washington Wizards' offense would be better if John Wall shot less.
PF: Bullets Forever. In which Mike Prada gets his #wellactually on all over Neil Greenberg.
SF: Gothic Ginobili. Aaron McGuire tries to explain what "cap smoothing" might mean in the context of a recent Zach Lowe report on how the NBA might try to prevent the salary cap from taking a giant leap if and when revenues spike in a particular year … like, say, when the new NBA television rights deal gets signed. I remain unsure that this would be legal — wouldn't it need to be collectively bargained? — but in terms of getting your arms around the issue, this is a good place to start.
SG: TrueHoop. J.A. Adande on what Doc Rivers' thoughts of quitting and Chris Paul's thoughts of a boycott really boil down to: "For anyone contemplating bailing, it’s really about resolving a conflict with their own conscience. And the only way to do that would be to give back every dollar they ever made from [Donald] Sterling."
PG: Bleacher Report. Kevin Ding on the season ahead for Jeremy Lin, which stands as both a make-or-break campaign and one in which there will be less pressure on him than there's been since he broke through with the New York Knicks.
6th: Sports Illustrated. Rob Mahoney offers a fair and reasonable consideration of the Golden State Warriors' reported continued insistence on not trading Klay Thompson for Kevin Love — an insistence that has opened the door to other deals that may well entice the Minnesota Timberwolves — and comes to a bone-simple and inescapable conclusion: "… cross-matching guards are more readily available than All-NBA power forwards."
7th: Triangle Offense. Russ Bengtson on Kobe at, or near, the end: "Bryant’s overpowering will, so much like Jordan’s, is tragic in the sense that it tends to be indiscriminate in whom it destroys. In the end it even turns on itself."
8th: Hang Time. John Schuhmann offers a dynamite look at the importance of creating and making 3-point shots to crafting an effective offense in today's NBA, and how some teams who struggled with the long ball last season have addressed (or not addressed) that shortcoming in the year ahead.
9th: The Sporting News. Sean Deveney on "the greatest collection of amateur basketball talent ever gathered in one place — the 1984 [U.S.] Olympic trials, held on the campus of Indiana University under the watchful eye of [Bobby] Knight."
10th: Analytics Game. Statistical support for the eye-test-and-ringzzzz-based argument that Hakeem Olajuwon was "some sort of playoff demon." (Don't remind me.)
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Dan Devine is an editor for Ball Don't Lie on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter!
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