Technique to run the 200m? i know it is an all out sprint but...?


New member
Mar 21, 2009
I know the 200m is an all out sprint, but for some they go at what is called a fast but relaxed pace around the curve, and then its blood and guts the last 100.... i was wondering if there are any tips on running it, and i would like to know,
how i should run the curve? and how fast should i start off?, just basically how should i run it overall.
technique to run the 200m

Many people assume that you should run the 200m as fast as you can for as long as you can. ie an extension of the 100m. Well that is completely incorrect, in fact sprinters are already slowing down before they have finished running 100m let alone 200m. It is well accepted that 100m is a power event & that 400m is a rhythm event, but very few people know how to run a 200m well. First of all you must start fast, just like the 100m & then after about 30-40m you should have completed your start phase & be balanced.At that point you gradually ease in to the rhythm phase which is very fast but nowhere near as aggressive as the 100m. It is likely that the arms will be lowered & not pumping as in the 100m. More like the relaxed running of the back straight of the 400m. You will then run in that relaxed fashion to the finish line.

You should not concentrate on running right on the edge of the lane around the bend because that requires too much concentration. Simply aim to be on the left of the lane & run relaxed. There is no need to lean as you round the bend & you do not need to move your right elbow out across your body to help you turn left. You should run as you would in a straight line with power obtained with the arms in the usual fashion, only more relaxed than the 100m. If you have trained correctly & performed with a correct technique then the slow down phase towards the end of the race will be imperceptible. If you are tired towards the end of the race then most people will try to keep the same stride length thus slowing right down because they have lost the ability to power off the takeoff leg.If this does happen to you then you should concentrate not on extending your stride length but increasing your cadence.Maintence of leg speed or turnover rate is more important than stride length in this situation.