Stopping torrent seeding affect anything?


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Hi guys I am not really big on torrents but I just need to ask you guys two things.

I am downloading Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for computer using a torrent. I am positive already that the torrent will work because there is more seeders then leechers, the torrent has been recently just been put up for grabs, and everybody that has downloaded it says it is good and working and 100% virus free.

So here is my first question. I have been downloading this torrent/game for 3 days because it is 6.32gb, it almost done and I need to know. After the torrent is at 100% it says "seeding..." Sense the game is so big and my upload speed is slow chances are its gonna take a long long time for it to seed completely. My friend told me that you don't have to seed, he said that I can stop the seeding process and the game will work. He told me seeding is just for uploading it for other people, so will it mess up the game or files at all if I stop seeding the torrent after its done? He said you can just stop it after its started seeding and go to the file and install the game and it will work. Is this true?

Program I am using: Bitcomet

Second question: Will it corrupt, incomplete the game or game files if I stop the download in progress and then start it again where it left off? does stopping it and starting it again do anything bad?

Please help, thank you for reading.