SPOILER What do you think about the rumors of the season finale House MD season?


New member
Mar 30, 2009
I was reading some spoilers of the house md season season 5 and they said someone was going to die.. A lot of people think that it is going to be cuddy or wilson, because that is the only thing that would send him into a breakdown is if one of the two died. its also said house and cuddy are going to sleep together and the death is a suicide. its not the most likely suspect and it is a main character.. This came from the wrights and they have always been sneaky about what they said. Ok so I was thinking about who would be leaving and I was really worried that it was cuddy because it was only Wilson or Cuddy would cause House to go into a mental breakdown... Well I was watching some of the older House episodes, and I saw Stacey. Now I know this sounds crazy but what if Stacey died? It would not be expected, she hasn't been rumored to be leaving,she was a main character they didn't say the main character of a certain season, if she died it would send House into a mental brake down. Now the Suicide thing if she saw House and Cuddy hook up she might kill herself and with Stacey's death and the Trauma it might cause Wilson to think of Amber and she might tell him to move on she would want that for him.
Tell me what you think.... Please tell me I haven't lost my mind... So what do you think??