Sort of a religon question...death penalty and abortion...?


New member
Jun 11, 2008
There are people who are pro-life,yet pro-death penalty.
And there are people who are pro-choice,yet against the death penalty.I don't understand how you are opt to NOT having an abortion,but you would want to kill someone else,who is-- simply put-- older than a baby.Or how you could be FOR abortion and against killing a supposed criminal.

Where do we draw the line and differentiate?
How does you religion or lack there of affect your views on these two subjects?

BTW---I am pro-choice,but not really sure of my stance as far as the death penalty goes.

BTW(again)--- This question was inspired by an old friend of mine who would be PASSIONATE about how EVERYONE should have a RIGHT to live INCLUDING babies that have not yet been born,but then would go on to say that man DESERVES to DIE for his actions. She was a Catholic,and I deemed this contradictory to a passage in the bible that states-- 'thou shalt not kill'(that passage is why she is pro-life to begin with.)