Sony Ericsson XPERIA play question?


Active member
May 13, 2008
My dad just got a Sony Ericsson XPERIA PLAY phone, and we were having a issue.

How do you add contacts? We only have 1 contact in there and we didn't know how we did it. There's no plus sign that you click on to add a contact? We didn't see one.

And, another thing, my father went to go on the App Store for the first time, he got a couple of apps. He got out of it, and then like 5 minutes later he went on, there was a Verizon support page and it said some thing like- "as of January 7th, 2013, Verizon apps, Verizon mobile apps storefront has closed."

What the heck does that mean? That's all it says.

Ps this phone is from Verizon.

Any advice? Thx :) ??