Some women complain how men are obsessed with sex, yet I notice many?


May 18, 2008
women obsessing about how much sex a man gets or does not get, especially if they do not like that man. Iam a very vocal person and always say what I think. As a consequence people either love me or hate me. I noticed that the faces of the women who do not like me so much turn into a grimmace of pure hate when they see me around a female enjoying myself. Sometimes they even approach her and ask her how she can be with me and of course there are snide comments on the lines of how I will never get laid again. They just do not want me to have fun with girls. Those are not ex girlfriends whithnessing how I moved on I am talking about.
I noticed this kind of behaviour with many women torwards many men. They do not care if he enjoys ice cream a videogame or a movie, but if a man they dislike is having fun with a girl, you will learn what a hate face is.

Why is that ? Is that an evolutionary thing of women not wanting men they consider "bad" to pass their genes on ? Is it a social thing of women wanting to have power over men to declare them an outcast all other women steer clear of and getting very angry and bitter when they realize they are not "cool" enough to wield such power ?
Winter Glory, how does hating somebody make somone think they will hurt anyone ? It does not make any sense.

But maybe it makes sense if you think with emotions. What you want to say is women think with emotions, therefore if a woman hates me she is convinced iam bad evil and dangerous, right ?
Jasna let it go already. I know mens and womens brains are different for the same reason I know the earth is not flat.
Because iam educated, which means while iam not all knowing I trust into the research of intelligent people which has been confirmed and accepted among academic circles, which I do not have the authority or capability to question, unless I acquire the skills to do so.
Louise, you are EXACTLY what Iam talking about. The women I want do not snub me the women I want do not ingore me. The womAn I want is very nice and kind to me.
The women who do not want me do not like it ONE BIT iam getting laid, that I am not getting snubbed.

I mean look at you, you WANT me to be snubbed you do not WANT me to get laid, you hate the thought that Iam getting intimacy by a woman so much that you can not help yourself, but tell yourself how I am not getting any, because admitting to yourself that it is not the case makes you climb the wall.

Why Louise, why is it so important to you that men you do not dislike do not get any ? You do not care if they enjoy a pizza, or a video game, why is it such an issue to you if men you do not like enjoy a woman ?
I mean the women who deeply dislike me for something I say or think.
Well Winter Glory I provided a good explanation on why women who hate me think Iam going to hurt a girl, where is yours Mrs. know it all, Mrs. you will hurt yourself only attempting to think on my mighty female estrogen filled emotion driven level ?