Since I'm not eating for a few days, what should I drink to stay healthy?


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Don't try talking me out of it. My mind is made up.
and im not doing it cuz AWWWMIGAWDIMSOOOOOFAT!!! actually im pretty skinny. im doin it cuz ppl are calling me fat and i want to make them feel bad for saying it. i know itl work cuz i know the guys that did it. i want to stay healthy, so obviously im not doin this forrizzle. what should i drink? plz dont say food in a blender. LIQUID, like pop, coffee, icees, water, juice.
its JUST a few days, not like a week or a month. like 3 or 4 days MAX. stop tellin me its a bad idea, i know how dangerous it is and if i start to get dizzy ill eat something. im not gonna hurt myself. im not that stupid. im just doing this to show ppl im not taking their crap
If you are skinny and know you are skinny then why are you letting people get to you like that. People will always have something to say and most of the time its out of jealousy or spite. Dont starve yourself its silly and not healthy.
drink lots of juice..real bolthouse farms brand esp carrot juices!!
You're spiting yourself. Really.

Regardless of that, do NOT drink coffee, or sodas. If you really want to stay healthy, drink milk and "neutral" fruit juices like apple juice, tomato juice, V8, etc. If you drink things that are too acidic, like orange juice, you can damage your stomach lining. Drinking coffee will just make you nauseous and ill.

Drinking milk seems to be your best has nutrients and you'll feel fuller than drinking just straight liquids like juices.