Should the BIG 3 borrow the business model of Wal-Mart to succeed in the


New member
Aug 10, 2008
future or should they stay the course? It seems to me Wal-Mart is very successful and the Big 3 are not so should they adopt the business model or if they go bankrupt should a few of the CEOs from Wal-Mart be placed to head up any of the Big 3?
No one is forced to work at WM. People who work there generally like working there and as a successful company that is still growing their model of success is better than any of the big 3 who are in DC with their hats extended asking for tax payer money. I know they are anti-union and for that I applaud them because if they unionized their prices would have to go up thus costing me money when I shop there. I will not support unions or union shops and Nanci Pelosi aggrees with me because she will not have union labor on her Vinard so at least I am not a hypocrypt like she is.
Too late. The Big 3 already are under the stranglehold of the unions, which Walmart has so far managed to escape. I actually used to work at Walmart, and I was not abused or mistreated (contrary to the cut and paste diatribe of your first respondent). Walmart pays much better than any comparable job of that type in our area.

Hopefully the Big 3 won't adopt Walmart's recent strategy of pandering to "green" groups. The Walmart clientele couldn't care less, and the "green" people who already hate Walmart aren't going to change their minds.
LOL! I am not a Walmart hater, but they are not really a manufacturing company.

BUt I'm game - not like they could do much worse!

So yes! My answer is yes!
Wal-Mart is very successful what price? Wal-Mart leads the charge in corporate suppression of employee compensation and workers' rights, and has done significant damage to the US economy. This corporate behemoth is the largest private sector employer in the US, with 1.2 million employees. Their power to influence the US economy is significant, and they have grossly abused that power. Average wages at Wal-Mart are significantly less than those paid by comparable employers for similar work. To avoid offering benefits, Wal-Mart maintains a work-force that is one third part time. They have aggressively fought unionization, which would essentially force them to pay fair wages and offer decent benefits. (What a blow to America it would be if Wal-Mart allowed a socialist entity to slither into their capitalist organization and demand that they treat their employees like human beings). Wal-Mart's buying power and draconian demands for cheap goods have caused many suppliers to go out of business or move their operations overseas where labor is less expensive. Revealing the lie behind their "Buy American" propaganda of the 1990's, Wal-Mart buys billions of dollars worth of goods from China each year ($15 billion in 2004). When Wal-Mart opens a store in a small community, they often put virtually every competitor out of business, leaving the local citizens dependent upon them for both employment and the purchase of necessities. Once Wal-Mart becomes their largest of sole employer, local governments are subject to the tyranny of the Bentonville Behemoth. I didn't realize their "always low prices" could be so expensive.
not really able to compare them to Walmart.

Fact is that no one is buying their vehicles because they are crappy at a ridiculous cost. They also were pushing big vehicles and ignoring the fact that the price of gas was increasing. Include the over priced executives; it was a disaster bound to happen.
What model is that? Low wages, no benefits, low hours, no permanency, build offshore by 10 year old kids?
if they did that.. the big 3 would be buying hundai's and and chinese cars, selling them here at a slight profit.. they wouldnt make any cars themselves.

one other thing is that there is nothing wrong with the quality of the american workers product..

the problem is the profit motive to design cars that fail after the warrenty.. profit..

the workers dont make design decisions.. that was managment. did i say profit?

profit trumps safety.. quality.. and everything else.. except perhaps the republican trade policy..

which simply stated is.. and has been....

trade american jobs and industry for ceo compensation and severance packages....

Not really a fair comparison. Wal-Mart does not produce what they sell - they simply sell it. If the Big 3 had the best product, and kept their costs down, they wouldn't need to mimic anyone else. I say let them go under.