Should public cellphone use be banned in some places?


New member
Aug 5, 2008
Don't you hate it when you're driving down the street and there is a car in front of you driving 15 mph BELOW the speed limit, idles for a few seconds when the light turns green, drifts over to your lane and turns without signaling. Then when you pass that person, you notice they have a cellphone glued to their ear.

Or how about you're on a plane or train taking a LONG trip. Your tired and you close your eyes to get some rest. All of the sudden the person behind you talks talking LOUDLY and laughs ridiculously LOUD on their cellphone.

Last one is the movie theater. You're trying to watch a movie and someone thinks "turning off your cellphone" means put the volume on low. They whisper on their phone like we still can't hear them or send text messages with the annoying beep of every button pushed.

I say cellphone use should be banned in certain public places. Can you not wait until you get home to blab?