Should I open an martial arts club.?

Sep 5, 2013
Should I open an martial arts club.

1. My friend pasted on in a car find apparently the Federal Juristine Perscuter Acclaimed to me it was a find.
2. The damn thing is they made jokes of his death.
3. The supposed families force me not to have a relationship with the opposite sex.
4. The supposed families force me to beat down by jail ex con martial men.
5. They put stuff to make you fat and have no way of peace in society.
6. The supposed families and the jail ex con martial men said its always your fault cause you didn't go out with the girl that is mafia psycho woman who puts illegal Las Vegas Money on you.

Should I open an martial arts club called ,"Las Vegan" you have no friends so expose you Martial Law cause they don't give a #### of about you dead martial friend whether he made you the fire of the street find.?

Should I open a martial arts called,"Las Vegan" because they didn't care about street find?