School system, whats your opinion


Apr 5, 2008
Ok guys, whats your opinion on the current school system in your area or whatever. Personally where I am i got screwed by the system and got a lot worse than i shudda done in exams but the school ignores that their teachers are useless and ignore that the parents are right when about 100 write in about one teacher in particular.
I did well in school, whether thats down to the teachers or my own ability i can't judge though.

In college though i was definately lucky in the teachers i got, they were sort of the old-school traditional types. Undoubtedly they played a big part in the grades i got, some of the newer teachers coming in just didn't seem to compare (although that might just be because they were newer). The college itself though did seem quite underfunded compared to others in my area.

I hear they are increasing the maximum class sizes to 60 students, which is so absolutely ridiculous i can't even believe anyone suggested it let alone have it become law, especially as one of Labours promises was to REDUCE class sizes not double them!

If schools carry on this way i'll undoubtedly send my children to private school if i can afford it. I've had a good experience with state schools but with the way things are going they are a dying breed.